The To-Do List I Don't Number Because Then It's Overwhelming:
-Email Apwonjo members schedule for this week [table schedule, pomping, chalking]
-Invisible Children on campus Thursday, screening at 7
-Reserve table in the Ferg the day after Darfur Screening to write letters to congress
-Try to get over the superb failure of my pet project, EQUALS, and accept defeat with honor
-Help build this giant Homecoming structure that will take an enormous time commitment that I just don't have [nor do I have the faith]
-Obama fundraiser tomorrow afternoon 5:30 [attendance contingent upon ability to walk]
-Chalking tomorrow night @7 [also contingent upon walking skill]
-Physical therapy @2PM at the Rec Center
-Inkwash drawing and beginning sketch due 5:30 tomorrow at art teacher's office [oh jesus]
-Chapter 1-3 on Consilience read by tomorrow at 11AM
-Reading Langston Hughes due at 9:30 for English class
-Email building rep for Foster hall about election night [he's british, rock on]
-Email Dr. Hornsby about loophole for facepainting [but first ask Lindsey if you're supposed to]
-Register Lydia to vote before Friday
-Turn in receipt from benefit concert to FAC for reimbursement
-14 pages of homework for French 202, composition on 'relationships' [which I can't even write about coherently in my mother tongue, kiddos], and 2 vocab lists and 2 verb pages
-Deposit check from Honey so I don't bounce any checks [if you don't read the sheer panic in this one, trust me, it's there]
-Do some semblance of laundry, as soon as I can climb the stairs to my apartment
-Deal with the fact that I will be in no shape to attend Daniel Marbury's 21st on Thursday, as much as I want to
-Physical therapy exercises twice a day, ice knee twice a day [when do I have time for this?]
-Finish/Start research on Blount project, including find scientific articles, send out questionaires, compile research, write 15 page paper [you know, the project that's like, 80% of our grade? Yeah, that one.]
-Convince my fellow officers in Apwonjo to let me use our screen for minimal charge
-Try not to feel bad that I accidentally roped my parents into a contract when I bought this new phone
-Finish writing the list and get started, knowing that no one, not even I, will read through this damn thing